Aiims Delhi Nursing officer solved Paper 2019

Aiims Delhi Nursing officer  solved Paper  2019

                     Here you can get Aiims  Delhi  staff nurse or nursing officer examination previous year solved paper 2019. you can also learn various Nclex based notes and multiple choice quetion helpfull for Various staff nurse examination ( Nursing officer Recruitment)  Like AIMMS , PGIMER , DSSB, RAILWAY, RPSC , GMCH etc


1. Universal Blood Donor Group is?

Answer is B)

2. According WHO hand washing time with soap is ?

Answer is C)

3. In which conditional distal pulse is preferred than apical pulse ?

Answer is A)
distal pulse is assesed to assess shock or blood loss ,weak and thready pulse may indicate hypovolemia.

4. Why it is necessary to remove dark color nail paint before surgery ?

Answer is D)

5. Post partum women having bleeding from 1st day after delievery is called ?

Answer is B)

6. Patient`s Medical record with all essential information is responsibility of ?

Answer is A)

7. In the absence of Nurse , the patient falls from bed . This type of error is called ?

Answer is D)

8. A Nurse is preparing to give bath to admitted patient with perineal problem.what will help the patient ?

Answer is C)

9. A postpartum women complains of breast engorgment on 3rd day. What is cut off temp for postpartum women ?

Answer is A)

10. A pre-eclampsia patient`s baby is kept with her born at 37 weeks,after 48 hrs baby temp is 35 what intervention should be done by Nurse

Answer is C)
Radiant warmer can be option but without HCP order nurse cannot do this.

11. All are crystelloid solution except

Answer is B)

12. What is difference between regular ECT and modified ECT

Answer is B)

13. Self care theory is purposed by

Answer is A)

14. Patient with MRSA is admitted in Micu ,Nurse has to provide colostomy care to pt, which type of PPE should Nurse use

Answer is C )

15. Which among is measure of Dispersion ?

Answer is C)

16 . An antenatal mother is admitted with comlains of eclampsia.what will be loading dose to patient

Answer is D)

17 . Which of the psychiatric Drug Does not require any test before starting routine dose ?

Answer is B)

18 . A patient with chest pain brought in emergency, which test will be prescribed to detect MI?

Answer is A)
kits are available to check Troponin T it gives results in 2 min.

19 . Patient with Anorexia Nervosa , there is is no weight increase while nutritious diet is prescribed , what Nursing Intervention can help

Answer is C)

20 . Gloves wrapper is discarded in Which Dustbin According BMW

Answer is A)

21 . Vial and broken ampule are discarded in

Answer is D)

22 .Sharp blades and needle are discarded in

Answer is C)

23 . A patient X ray shows fluid and air present in lungs , what can be diagnosis

Answer is C)

24 . Patient with DVT is prescribed Low molecular heparin, what will be common route of administration

Answer is A)

25 . Vicryl 3.0 is

Answer is C)

26 . All of the following are sesamoid bone except?

Answer is C)

27 . When will be blood test will be prescribed for a patient on Clazapine

Answer is D)

28 . Ecg of patient shows ST depression Prominent U wave anverted T wave , Which electrolyte imbalnce shows this

Answer is A)
In hypokalemia promint U wave will present.

29 . What will be immediate Nuring management for a child with epilepsy

Answer is D)

30 . What advice should be given to patient on Lithium Therapy?

Answer is B)

31 . patient with anorexia Nervosa will have

Answer is C)

32 . Patient is suffering from dyspnea which position should be provided to patient

Answer is B)

33 . Needle stick injury can lead to infection with disease except

Answer is C)

34 . The cidex solution in instrument tray is changed after

Answer is B)

35 . Which of following component not present in normal saline

Answer is A)

36 . Patient is allergic to B lactamase and which of following drug is safe to administer

Answer is C)

37 . Which of the following size of gloves is largest

Answer is D)

38 .patient`s ABG report shows PH 6.25, pCO2 39 , pO2 55 and blood glucose is 600mg/dl. which of the following condition is present

Answer is C)

39 . An antenatel mother came to opd with Hb 8.5gm. which of the following will be

Answer is B)

40 . In immunocompromised patient , the Nurse should take Infection prevention when WBC is below ?

Answer is A)

41 . patient with nephroctomy the drug is contraindicated

Answer is D)

42 . Patient Came to emergency department with alcohol withdrawl symptoms what symptoms will Nurse will observe

Answer is A)

43 . patient came in emergency department with pinpoint pupil, lacrimation and history of substance abuse. which of following drug may be prescribed

Answer is A)

44 . In rehabilitation centre which of the following drug is used as opoid substitute in drug abuse patient

Answer is A)

45 . How will you differenciate clinical depression with normal grief

Answer is D)

46 . Which of the following patient is at risk of fluid volume deficit

Answer is B)

47 . The adviced to give injection vitamin K for new born baby. The route and dose will be

Answer is B)

48 . inj . Metronidazole is prescribed to a patient .Action of thi drug is

Answer is B)
Answer may be A .

49 . Temporary cesassion of breathing is called

Answer is C)

50 . position for enema administration

Answer is B)

51 . Nurse notices redness and itching around IV cannula insertion site. Nurse should suspect

Answer is B)

52 . Which of the following condition is contraindicated for gastric aspiration from nG tube

Answer is C)

53 . A patient is admitted with acute renal injury and Nurse is advised to monitor strict urine output. Nurse notices that urine output is less than 100ml  in 24 hr,it is

Answer is B)

54 . Identify Blade no.

Answer is B)

55 . Identify the instrument

Answer is C)

56 . Name marked area in picture

Answer is C)

57 . Identify following instrument

Answer is A)

58 . Mesh in picture is used in which condition

Answer is A)

59 . Look at picture and identify incorrect combination

Answer is B)

60 . Identify the following instrument

Answer is D)

61 . Identify following sample collection instument is used

Answer is A)

62 .Identify IV cannula size used in hemorrhagic shock

Answer is C)

63 . Identify IV cannula size

Answer is A)