Aiims Bhatinda staff Nurse Previous year Solved paper 2019

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                     Here you can get Aiims  Bhatinda staff nurse or nursing officer examination previous year solved paper 2019. you can also learn various Nclex based notes and multiple choice quetion helpfull for Various staff nurse examination ( Nursing officer Recruitment)  Like AIMMS , PGIMER , DSSB, RAILWAY, RPSC , GMCH etc



1. The nurse is teaching a patient taking cyclosporine after renal transplantaion about key medication . the Nurse tells the patient to be especially alert for?

Answer is B)

2. Anaphylactic shock is treated with ?

Answer is C)

3. Continues Bubbling in water seal chest dreainage indicates ?

Answer is A)

4. Patient with pernicious anemia,he will be treated with ?

Answer is A)

5. After Thyroidectomy which of the following sign and symptoms indicates damage to parathyroid gland ?

Answer is A)

6. What does CVP measurement reflects ?

Answer is C)

7. 70 yr old patient is confined to bed due to Parkinson`s Diease.which Nursing diagnosis has highest priority for this patient?

Answer is D)

8. After Trans iscemic attackthe patient is prescribed 100mg aspirin daily. The effect of aspirin is as ?

Answer is B)

9. Oral polio vaccine is given to children upto age?

Answer is C)

10. A patient with status asthmatic is in severe respiratory distress, nurse should maintain which position to patient

Answer is D)


11. The primary cause of abdominal ascites in a patient with cirrhosis of liver

Answer is B)

12. A patient return after surgery, highet nursing priority will be

Answer is C)

13. The Nurse can prevent tracheal dilation complication in patient undergone tracheostomy BY

Answer is C)

14. A patient with Hepatitis A state that How i got the disease best response by a nurse will be

Answer is B )

15. What instruction should be should be given to patient while chest tube removal?

Answer is A)

16 . A patient with increased ICP is recieving mannitol , to evaluate effectiveness of drug nurse should Assess the patient for

Answer is D)

17 . A patient with congestive heart failure is given digitalis.which of the following earliet manifestation of digitalis toxicity ?

Answer is B)

18 . The electrolyte balance in the body is regulated by

Answer is A)

19 . Nurse encourage a postoperative pt to move leg. contracting leg muscles helps to prevent which postoperative complication

Answer is C)

20 . A female pt is daignosed with gonorrhea. The nurse should assess her for

Answer is D)

21 . A patient with pacemaker is ambulating in room with assistance nurse. suddenly pt complain of dizziness and shortness of breath . The INITIAL ACTION BY a nurse will be

Answer is C)

22 .The most likely systematic adverse effect of combination of chemotherapy for treatment for metatatic carcinoma includes

Answer is A)

23 . A 48 yr old patient is admitted with acute MI . he is cold clammy skin and has severe substernal pain .what is priority intervention by a nurse

Answer is A)

24 . The most relavent knowledgeabout oxygen administration in a patient with COPD includes

Answer is B)

25 .Roughage in diet stimulates

Answer is B)

26 . When lifting a patient onto strecher the nurse should bend from

Answer is C)

27 . which of the following may inerfare with wound healing

Answer is D)

28 . Sitz bath is prescribed to patient with

Answer is A)

29 . A patient with Tuberculosis isoniazid is prescribed ,which of the following should also prescribed ot prevent side effect

Answer is C)

30 . The effectiveness of iv fluid replacement therapy for burn patient after 48 hrs can be evaluated by ?

Answer is A)

31 . In hemophillia bleeding is due to deficiency of

Answer is B)

32 . In a patient with acute renal failure hypertonic glucosse insulin infusion and soda bicarb is used to treat

Answer is C)

33 . presure by upper end of crutch may cause injury to

Answer is A)

34 . A patient is just returned after above knee amputation of right leg. The Nurse should place patient in which appropriate position

Answer is B)

35 . A patient has history of gout is also diagnosed with urolithiasis. the stone is uric acid type. Nurse should limit intake of

Answer is A)

36 . A pt is recieving external radiation to neck for cancer of larynx . The likely side effect will be

Answer is A)

37 . Patient with ileostomy, discharge teaching by a Nurse will be

Answer is A)

38 . Most medication error occer when nurse

Answer is D)

39 . The most effective way to break the chain of infection is

Answer is A)

40 . Gown should be worn when ?

Answer is D)

41 . The Nurse selects the route of administring medication according to

Answer is A)

42 . Appropriate choice when Nurse pays attention when conducting general survey on adult patient

Answer is A)

43 . Pulse deficit is difference b/w

Answer is C)

44 . The priority when providing oral hygiene to an unconcious patient

Answer is A)

45 . When a Nurse discovers electrical fire in patient`s room firt action will be

Answer is C)
Use RACE R- rescue pt in danger , A – Alarm, C- confine the fire and E- extinguish .

46 . Which of the following intervention is appropriate to include in care plan for improving sleep in an older patient

Answer is B)
answer is not confirm plz refer any source surity of answer .

47 .Which Nursing intervention should Nurse implement after right femoral artery catheterizaton

Answer is B)

48 . In helping to resolve Crisis situation it is most imp for the Nurse to

Answer is C)
Answer may be A .

49 . False ensory perception in absence of real stimuli is called

Answer is B)

50 . The defence mechanism in which emotional conflicts are expressed through Motor, SensorySomatic disability is identified as

Answer is D)

51 . The most important nursing care plan for a patient with organic brain deterioration would be

Answer is B)

52 . The first consideration in the treatmnet of placental abruptia

Answer is A)

53 . A case of 35 weeks pregnancy with polyhydromnios and marked respiratory distress is managed by

Answer is D)

54 . Which of the following is not a feature of HEELP syndrome

Answer is A)

55 . which of the following congenital deformity is seen in fetus with cytomegalo virus infection

Answer is A)

56 . Paracervical block is associated with danger of

Answer is C)

57 . What type of authority regulates the nurisng

Answer is C)

58 . Third degree perineal tear is involved in

Answer is A)

59 . which nutrient will help with tissue repair

Answer is B)

60 . The Nure ask patient how do you feel about yourself. The Nurse is assessing the patients`s

Answer is B)

61 . A patient need to learn to use walker,acquisition of this skill will require learning in the

Answer is C)

62 .The reason for using parental route to administer medication is

Answer is D)

63 . Which of the following nuring diagnosis will be priority for a newborn of ane hour of age

Answer is A)

64 . which of the following should be involved in home care plan for a child with acute glomerulonephritis

Answer is A)

65 . Non Verbal communication involves

Answer is C)

65 . A parent tells a Nurse that her child has passed several stools resembling red gelly. Nurse should suspect which Disease

Answer is A)

66 . Which of the following does not cross placenta

Answer is A)

67 . Which of the following vaccine is given in pregnancy

Answer is D)

68 . A patient experience which type of incontinence when she experiences leakage urine when coughs or lifts heavy objects

Answer is C)

69 . If the Labour ends within in 3 hours with 2 3 contraction it is called

Answer is A)

70 . A 8 yr old child is admitted in hospital with sickle cell anemia. Appropriate Nursing Care will be

Answer is B)