Here you can get DSSB staff nurse 2013 examination previous year solved paper. you can also learn various Nclex based notes and multiple choice quetion helpfull for Various staff nurse examination ( Nursing officer Recruitment) Like AIMMS , PGIMER , DSSB, RAILWAY, RPSC , GMCH etc
1. Anidote of heparin is ?
…Answer is A)
2. Acute pancreatitis is menifested by an elevation of ?
A) Serum bilirubin B) Serum creatinine C) serum amylase D) Serum alkaline posphate
…Answer is C)
3. A patient in second stage of labour is given which injection to improve uterine contraction ?
A) Oxytocin B) Methargin C) Phenargen D) Diazepam
…Answer is A)
4.which of the following is used in Hyperkalemia ?
A) Insulin with glucose B) Sodium bicarbonate C) Potassium chloride D)Magnesium sulphate
…Answer is A)
5. which of the followingantibioticdrugs can damage the 8th cranial nerve ?
A) Isoniazid B) Streptomycin C) Ethambutol D) Pyrazinamide
…Answer is B)
6. Distended abdominal and absence of bowel sounds after abdominal surgery indicates ?
A) Intussusception B) Paralytic Ileus C) Hemorehage D) Ruptured
…Answer is B)
7. The Normal intraocular pressure is ?
A) 8-21 mm hg B) 16-25 mm hg C) 20-35 mm hg D) 19-38 mm hg
…Answer is A)
8. Which of the following Ecg findings indicate the presence of hypokalemia?
A) Tall, peak T wave B) ST segment depression C) Widening of QRS complex D) Prolonged PR interval
…Answer is B)
9. Common risk of severe depression is ?
A) Suicide B) Fatigbility C) Hallucination D) Thought Blocking
…Answer is A)
10. Which of the following need to be performed before radial artery cannulation ?
A) Allen`s test B) Angiography C) Buergers test D) Capillary Test
…Answer is A)
11. Domping syndrome is a complication of
A) Colestomy B) subtotal gastrectomy C) Nephrectomy D) hystrectomy
…Answer is B)
12. Which of the following is ued a an antidote for oraganophophorous poisioning
A) Atropine B) Adrenaline > C) Avil D) Amniodarone
…Answer is A)
13. Lactulose is prescribed for patients with hepatic encephalopathy to?
A) Decrease serum ammonia level B) Decrease albumin level C) increased protein level D) Increase glucose level
…Answer is B)
14. Apical pulse is assessed by placing diaphargm of tethocope at the area ?
A) Aortic Area B) Pulmonic area C) Mitral area D) Tricuspid area
…Answer is C)
15. Abnormal proliferation of uterine endometrial tissue outside the uterus is called ?
A) Cystic fibrosis B) Endometriosis C) Metrorrhagia D) Menorrhagia
…Answer is B)
16 . Normal serum potasium level
A) 2.5 to 3.5 meq/L B) 5.5 to 6.6 meq/L C) 6.5 to 7.5 meq/L D) 3.5 to 5.1 meq/L
…Answer is D)
17 . The size of cannula used for infants is ?
A) 24 B) 22 C) 20 D) 16
…Answer is A)
18 . Bleeding from the nose is Known as ?
A) Hematemesis B) Epistaxis C) Hematuria D) Hemoptysis
…Answer is B)
19 . Which of the following is used to assess level of conciousness ?
A) Apgar score B) Braden scale C) Snellen chart D) Glasgow coma scale
…Answer is D)
20 . Physician prescribed Digoxin 0.125 md OD daily. Tab. Digoxin is available in 0.25mg . The Nurse should administer?
A) 1/4 tablet B) 1/2 tablet C) 2 tablet D) 4 tablet
…Answer is B)
21 . Which of the following is most important to prevent progress of disease thromboangitis obliterans
A) Smoking cessation B) Controlling BP C) Weight Reduction D) Controlling Diabetes
…Answer is A)
22 .While giving NG tube feeding which of the following nuring action prevents complication
A) Provide high Fowler position B) Advance tube 2cm C) Flush tube with 20 ml of air D) Plug air vent during feeding
…Answer is A)
23 . Which of the following is a indication of portal hypertension?
A) Asterexis B) Hematemesis C) Confusion D) Elevated BP
…Answer is B)
24 . A patient who is on stenstaken Blakemore tube ,suddenly experiences difficulty in breathing. Which of the following action should the Nurse take first?
A) Administer oxygen via nasal cannula B) Elevate Head of the bed C) Cut and remove the tube D) Assess the Client Lungs
…Answer is C)
25 . A patient `s RbS is 40mg . THe immediate management is to
A) 5 % Dextrose B) 50 % Dextrose C) RInger Lactate D) Normal saline
…Answer is B)
26 . Buck`s extension traction is ?
A) Applied as cervical head halter B) Skin traction to the lower leg C) Skeletal traction to lower leg D) Tongs applied to head
…Answer is B)
27 . Gonlometer is used to assess
A) Auditory accuity B) Muscle Strength C) Range of motion of joints D) Visual acuity
…Answer is C)
28 . Fracture of distal radius is called?
A) Colles` fracture B) Galeazzl fracture C) Monteggia fracture D) Hume fracture
…Answer is A)
29 . Color coding for Nitrous oxide cylinder is
A) Black B) Gray C) Black with white shoulder D) Light blue
…Answer is D)
30 . false sensory perception with no basis of reality is known as ?
A) Hallucination B) Illusion C) DElusion D) Neologisms
…Answer is A)
31 . The surgical procedure done to relieve pressure in compartment syndrome is
A) ORIF B) Fasciotomy C) Arthroplasty D) colostomy
…Answer is B)
32 . Which of the following procedure always requires surgical asepsis
A) Vaginal irrigation B) Nasogastric tube insertion C) Urinary catheterization D) Colostomy irrigation
…Answer is D)
33 . Mania is a
A) Anxiety related disorder B) Thought Disorder C) Dissociative Disorder D) Mood Disorder
…Answer is D)
34 . The most appropriate time for Nurse to obtain Sputum specimen for culture is
A) Early in the morning B) After breakfast C) After chest physiotherapy D) After Dinner
…Answer is A)
35 . Kaposi`s sarcoma is associated with
A) HIV B) HPV C) Epstein Barr virus D) None
…Answer is A)
36 . The causative agent for peptic ulcer is
A) Streptococci B) Helicobactor pylori C) E.coli D) Staphylococci
…Answer is B)
37 . All of the following are side effect of phenytoin , except
A) Ataxia B) Gum hypertrophy C) Hirsutism D) Hypoglycemia
…Answer is D)
38 .Ondensetron 8mg Iv is given before chemotherapy to prevent
A) Vomiting B Alopecia C) Metabolic acidosis D) Pain
…Answer is A)
39 . LAteral curvature of spine is called
A) Kyphosis B) Scoliosis C) Lordosis D) Hydronephrosis
…Answer is B)
40 . REmoval of entire lung is called ?
A) LObectomy B)Segmental resection C) Wedge resection D) Pneumonectomy
…Answer is D)
41 . Sensitivity and reaction is tested by administring the drug
A) Intradermally B) IM C) IV D) Subcutaneously
…Answer is A)
42 . Which of the following is used for assessing the pain in children
A) Wong Baker faces pain rating scale B) Brief pain inventory C) Numerical rating scale D) Visual analogue cale
…Answer is A)
43 . The equipment used in examination of ear is
A) Laryngoscope B) Otoscope C) opthalmoscope D) proctoscope
…Answer is B)
44 . A Patient who is recieving antibiotic therapy complains of ringing in the ear . this ototoxicity is damage is
A) 4th Cranial nerve B) 8th Cranial Nerve C) 7th cranial Nerve D) 9th Cranial Nerve
…Answer is B)
45 . Which of following is medication of choice for patient with an open contaminated injuey and no history of tetnus immunization
A) DPT vaccine B) Tetnus Toxoid C) Tetnus immunoglobin D) Bcg
…Answer is B)
46 . Which of the following cannot be corrected by dialysis
A) Hypernatremia B) Hyperkalemia C) Elevated creatinine D) Decreased hemoglobin
…Answer is D)
47 . The Normal mean Polmonary artery pressure is
A) 10-15 mm hg B) 15-20 mm hg C) 20-25 mm hg D) ) 25-30 mm hg
…Answer is B)
48 . ECG changes in myocardial infarction
A) ST segment elevation B) Wide QRS Complex C) Presence OF U wave D) prolonged PR wave
…Answer is A)
Answer may be A .
49 . INflammaton of tissues sorrounding the nail is known as
A) Clubbing B) Onycholysis C) Paronychia D) Koilonychia
…Answer is C)
50 . THe cholestrol level is
A) 150-200 mg/dl B) 100-150 mg/dl C) 200-250 mg/dl D) 250-300 mg/dl
…Answer is A)
51 .Which of the following is a indicator of AIDS
A) CD4 count les than 200 cells/mm3 B) CD4 count les than 400 cells/mm3 C) CD4 count les than 600 cells/mm3 D)CD4 count les than 800 cells/mm3
…Answer is A)
52 . medical management of Increased ICP includes
A) Administration of half strength saline B) Administer plasma volume expander C) Administer mannitol D) Reduce the no. of breaths in ventillator
…Answer is C)
53 . Fever , Headache, Nuchal rigidity are classical symptoms seen in
A) Parkinson`s disease B) Alzeihmer`s disease C) Brain abscess D) Meningitis
…Answer is D)
54 . Appropriate size for Inulin injection is
A) 18G, 1/2″ long B) 22G, 1 “”long C) 22G, 1/2″ long D) 25G , 5/8″ long
…Answer is D)
55 . Difeciency of vitamin D cause
A) Rickets B) Beriberi C) NIght blindness D) Anemia
…Answer is A)
56 . while suctioning tracheostomy suctioning, suction time should not more than
A) 20 sec B) 10 sec C) 25 sec D) 30 sec
…Answer is B)
if answer is given 15 sec than it is also right .
57 . which of the following is menifeted by increased ICP
A) Cataract B) Conjuctivitis C) Glaucoma D) Detachment of ratina
…Answer is C)
58 . Braden scale is used to assess the risk of
A) Docubitus Ulcer B) DM C) Hypertension D) None of above
…Answer is A)
59 . Which of the following is menifestation of pyloric stenosis
A) Regurgitation B) projectile vomiting C) Steatorrhea D) Current gelly stool
…Answer is B)
60 . The percentage of flow of oxygen in red color ventury mask is
A) 31 % and 6 lit/min B) 35 % and 8 lit/min C) 40 % and 10 lit/min D) 60 % and 15 lit/min
…Answer is C)
61 . Failure to pass meconium within firt 24 hour after birth may indicate
A) Abdominal wall defect B) Celiac Disease C) Hirschspurng Disease D) Intussusception
…Answer is C)
62 .Severe allergic reaction to drug is known as
A) Anaphylactic B) Interaction C) Adverse effect D) Toxicity
…Answer is A)
63 . One of the major cause of cirrhosis of liver is
A) Drug abuse B) Alcohol abuse C) Smoking D) Viral hepatitis
…Answer is B)
64 . Which of the following is not menifestation of diabetes mallitus
A) Glucosuria B) Polyphagia C) HYperglycemia D) Hypernatremia
…Answer is C)
65 . Distant vision is assesed by
A) Confrontation test B) Hirschbergs test C) Jaeger card D) Snellen chart
…Answer is D)
65 . Inflammation of tongue is known as
A) Gingivitis B) Glossitis C) Parotitis D) Stomatitis
…Answer is B)
66 . Diabete insipidus is due to deficiency of
A) Insulin B) Glucose C) Glucagon D) Antidiuretic Hormone
…Answer is D)
67 . Lead poisioning is known as
A) Asterixis B) Plumbism C) parder villi syndrome D) Plummer vinson yndrome
…Answer is B)
68 . THe drug of choice in Preeclempsia is
A) Dopamine B) Magneium sulphate C) Sodium bicarbonate D) odium Nitropruside
…Answer is B)
69 . Which of the medicationis given sublingually to manage angina pectoris
A) Aspirin B) Betaloc C) Nitroglycerine D) Warferin
…Answer is C)
70 . Which of the compliction of spleenectomy
A) Cholecystitis B) Pancreatitis C) Appendicitis D) Gastritis
…Answer is B)
71 . Parkinon disease is caued by
A) Heridatory factor B) Death of brain cells C) Demyelination of nerve cells D) Impairement of dopamine producing cell in brain
…Answer is D)
72 . INability to speak or undertand spoken word is callled as
A) Insomnia B) Aphraxia C) Agnosia D) Aphasia
…Answer is D)
73 . Preoperative intervention includes all of foloowing in appendectomy except
A) State enema B) Consent C) Skin prepration D) Remove of jewellary
…Answer is A)
74 . Which of the following i pecific investigation to detect seizure
A) CT scan B) MRI scan C) EEG D) X ray
…Answer is C)
75 . Which one of the following drug i proton pump inhibitor
A) pantaperazole B) Ranitidine C) Cemitidine D) Cetrizine
…Answer is A)
76 . Ineffectual straining at stool is known as
A) Tenesmus B) Borborygmi C) Constipation D) Diarrhea
…Answer is A)
77 . Which of the following test is used to assess function of brain staim
A) Cold calorie test B) Glasgow coma scale C) Braden scale D) Snellen tet
…Answer is A)
78 . Which of the following caue greenish color of the amniotic fluid
A) Lanugo B) Hydramnios C) Meconium D) Vernix
…Answer is C)
79 . Purple tinge color of cervix is
A) Braxton hicks sign B) Chadwick sign C) Goodell sign D) Mcdonald sign
…Answer is B)
80 . postpartum haemorrhage is loss of blood which i more than
A) 200 ml B) 300 ml C) 400 ml D) 500 ml
…Answer is D)
81 . Clasical symptoms of deep vein thrombosis include all of except
A) Muscle pain B) Homans sign C) swelling D) Redness
…Answer is D)
82 . Which of the following drug is withheld if the patient`s pulse rate is le than 60/min
A) Digoxin B) Dopamine C) Dobutamin D) Phenytoin
…Answer is A)
83 . Which of the following Drug is contraindicated in pancratiti
A) Morphine B) Diclofenac C) Mepridine D) Dicyclomine
…Answer is A)
84 . Which of the following i preferred site for im injection in infant
A) Deltoid B) Rectus femoris C) Vastus lateralis D) ventrogluteal
…Answer is C)
85 . Nuring assessment for neurovacular status of extrimity with a cast includes the following except
A) pallor B) Paresthesia C) range of motion D) paresthesia