Renal System Important points medical surgical nursing

    Hello friends , 

                              Here you will able to study important points of renal system disorder .
It includes  renal system disorder important medical surgical nursing like  antidiuretic hormone , arterial steel syndrome arteriovenous fistula dialysis  renal transplantation renal calculi  . medication ciproflaxacin  nitrofruntine cyclosporine .

 All these points are highely Important for the nurisng officer examination like Aiims Delhi , DSSSB  ,PGIMER , RAILWAY etc . 



  • The Nephrons are the functional unit of kidneys

  • The patient with Hyperkalemia is at risk of developing cardiac dysrhythemia and cardiac arrest  so patient should be placed on cardiac monitor   

  • Anti diuretic Hormone (ADH)  is produced by hypothalamus and secreted from posterior lobe of pituitory Gland

  • Arterial steal syndrome can develop in a patient with internal arteriovenous this too much blood is diverted to the vein .

  • After Arteriovenous fistula , note the temperature and capillary refill of the extrimity .

  • Palpate the pulse below the fistula and monitor hand swelling as in indication of ischemia.

  • The Internal Arteriovenous graft can be used after 2 weeks of insertion.

  • The fistula can be used after 6 weeks of creation.

  • The Patient with femoral vein catheter should not situp more than 45 degree or lean forward, bcz catheter may kink or occuld.

  • The patient can eat before or during dialysis.

  • The complications of Hemodialysis are Air embolim,  Disequilibrium syndrome , Dialysis Encephalopathy etc.

  • The  major complication  of peritoneal Dialysis is Peritonitis

  • Contraindication to peritoneal dialysis include peritonitis , recent abdominal surgery and abdominal adhesions .

  • Peritoneal dialysis solution contains       Dextrose :   17 gm

                                                                              Nacl :  5.56 gm

                                                                              Sodium acetate :  4.76 gm
                                                                              calcium chloride :  0.22 gm

  • After Renal  Transplantation , urine output usually begins immediately if the donor was a living donor, and it may be delayed for few day with cadver donor

  • After Renal  Transplantation, monitor urine output hourly , immedietly report urine output less than 100 ml/hr

  • The infection is the primary cause of death in the firt year renal posttransplantation.
  • Urosepsis can lead to septic shock if not treated .

  • Fever is the most common and earliest   manifestation of urosepsis .

  • In polycystic kidney Disease, Increase sodium and water intake because sodium loss rather than retention occurs .

  • Immobilization can cause to formation of renal calculi .

  • Renal pain or colic originates in lumber region and radiates around side and down to the testicles and to bladder  in women .

  • Adrenal insufficiency include large urine output  and followed by hypotension and oliguria .

  • In Kidney tumors Painless gross hematuria occurs

  • In prostatitis, prostate is tender , indurated and warm to touch .

  • In Bladder trauma, pain  occur below the level of umbilicu can radiate to shoulders .

  • If  the patient  develops air embolism during hemodialysis the Nurse should terminate dialysis immedietly.

  • The presence of blood at urinary meatus may indicate uretheral trauma .

  • The presence of a thrill and bruit indicate patency of fistula .

  • The typical sign and symptoms of epididimytis include scrotal pain and edema and it is most common caused by infection .

  • Decreased force in the stream of urine is an early symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. 

  • Creatinine level is frequently used in lab test to determine renal function .

  • The patient can have elevated temperature followed by dialysis bcz dialysis machine warms the blood so not necessary to notify physician by a nurse . 

  • Disequilibrium syndrome may be caused by rapid decrease in blood urea nitrogen ( normal  BUN level 8 – 25 mg/dl )  level during dailysis . 

  • After prostectomy , frank bleeding may occur during first day after surgery and some hematuria is usual for several days after surgery .

  • Nitrofurantine may impart a harmless brown color to the urine .

  • Nitrofurantine can induce pulmonary reaction

  •  Norfloxacin ( Noroxin ) should be taken on empty stomach . 

  • Ciproflaxacin May be taken with food or without food .

  • Sulphonamides are contraindicated in infants younger than 2 months .

  • An intravenous administration of Trimethoprim ( TMP ) sulphamethoxazole (SMZ) should be done over 60 to 90 min and should not be mixed with other medication. 

  • Bethanechol Chloride ( used to increase bladder tone ) should be administerd on empty stomach or 1 hr before the meal or 2 hr after the meal .

  • Bethanechol Chloride is not given to patient who has urinary stincture or obstruction.

  • Cyclosporine is embryotoxic and women of childbearing age should use a machanical form  of contraception. 

  • Nephrotoxicity may occur in patient taking cyclosporine so monitor BUN and serum creatinine level . 

  • In Patient taking cyclosporine , consuming grape fruit juice is prohibited  bcz it raises cyclosporine level and increases the risk pf toxicity . 

  • Azathioprine  can cause neutropenia and thrombocytopenia from bone marrow suppression. 

  • Erythropoitic growth factors stimulates production of RBC used to treat anemia of CKD, chemotherapy induced  anemia.

  • The major side effect of Erythropoitic growth factors  ( Epoetin alfa ) is hypertension so Nurse should monitor Blood pressure closely .

  • The patient with BPH , should be about decongestants medication.

  • Patient taking Tacrolimus  Nurse should monitor Blood glucose level 

  • Toxicity of Oxybutynin Produces central nervous system excitation such as nervousness, restlessness and hallucination.

  • Patient taking Phenazopyridine , instruct that raddish brown discoloration of urine may occur 

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