Medical surgical Nursing MCQ Quiz 4

Here you will able to test your knowdege with Medical sugical Nursing Multiple choice question ( MCQ ) in Quiz style . These questions are very important in point view of upcoming nuring officer or nurse grade  second examination of AIIMS, DSSB , RAILWAY , PGIMER GMCH etc .

Medical surgical Nursing Mcq in quiz style medical surgical nursing mcq quiz like cardiovascular, renal, respiratory , haematological immunesystem , gastro disorders and previous year question paper


Medical surgical Nursing  MCQ pdf :

1.When permfoming a colostomy irrigation the nure inserts the catheter into stoma upto ?

…Answer is B)

2. A patient is to have enema to reduce flatus . The rectal catheter should be inserted upto mark ?

…Answer is A)

3. The physician orders rectal tube to help a patient to relieve abdominal distension . To achieve max effectiveness ,the nurse should leave it for period of ?

…Answer is B)
This allow adequate time for gas to escape .

4. While administring enema max safe height at which container of fluid can be held ?

…Answer is D)

5. A patient ha peptic ulcer disease .He would decribe the associated pain as ?

…Answer is C)

6. A pancreatic pseudocyst is ?

…Answer is C

7. A Health teaching program for a patient who had a gastrectomy should include ?

…Answer is D)
Bcz domping syndrome is complication of gasrectomy .

8. A patient with hiatus hernia complains of difficulty in sleeping. The appropriate nuring intervention will be ?

…Answer is D)
Sleeping on pillows raises the upper torso and prevents reflex of gastric contents through hernia .

9. Postoperative care for a patient who had a hemorrhoidectomy should include ?

…Answer is C)
To avoid straining.

10. A patient complains of cramps during colostomy irrigation. the nurse should ?

…Answer is B)

11. The lab tet that indicate cirrhosis of liver is compromised and neomycin might be helpful is

…Answer is A)
Neomycin reduces ammonia level formind bacteria in intestine.

12. Which of the following is essential for absorption of fat solution vitamins in the intestine

…Answer is A)

medical surgical nursing 1 multiple choice questions and answers pdf

13. The earliest indication of paranchymal damage of the liverin pt with hepatitis B is usually ?

…Answer is C

14. A patient who has had a colostomy should follow a diet that is ?

…Answer is D)

Medical surgical Nursing  MCQ

15. If intubation is indicated in a patient with bleeding eophageal varices, the type of tube most likely to be used would be ?

…Answer is D)

16 . The chief complain in vincent`s angina is

…Answer is C)
Vincent angina is also known as trenchmouth .

17 . Before ERCP the nurse expect to assess ?

…Answer is B)
Bilirubin level more than 5 mg/dl the test is not done bcz cannulization may cause edema .

18 . Before a cholecystectomy the physician orders vitamin K Is required for synthesis of ?

…Answer is B)

19 . Hormone that stimulates the flow of pancreatic enzyme ?

…Answer is D)
pancreozymin secreted by duodenal mucosa .

20 . THe assessment finding which indicates probable preence of fecal impaction in a patient with limited mobility would be ?

…Answer is C)

21 . The clasical sign of Hepatic coma is

…Answer is A)

22 . A patient ha transverse loop colostomy . When inserting a catheter for irrigation , the nure should

…Answer is C)

23 . The Hormone secretin and pancreaozymin are secreted by ?

…Answer is C)

24 . In patient with liver insufficiency the expected assessment finding would be ?

…Answer is B)

Mcqs in medical surgical nursing pdf

25 . THe major pottransfuional viral hepatitis is

…Answer is C)

26 . Two hrs after subtotal gastrectomy the notes that drainage from NG tube is bright red . The priority nursing action will be ?

…Answer is C)

27 . The primary step in achieving long term goal in rehabilitationof patient with new colostomy involves patient`s

…Answer is B)

28 . A patient develops peritoniti after appendectomy. The Nurse should Assess patient for elevated temperature?

…Answer is B)

29 . The most serious complication asociated with chronic inflammatory disease of bowel is

…Answer is C)

30 . Drug commonly Used in GI bleeding ?

…Answer is A)

31 . A patient just returned from subtotal gastrectomy >pulmonary complication can be best prevented by

…Answer is D)

32 . In postanesthesia unit nurse notices serosanguinous fluid on abdominal dressing in patient who has gone abdominal cholycystectomy > The Nurse should

…Answer is B)

33 . When assessing a patient with cancer of tongue the specific adaptation the nurse should expect to find

…Answer is B)
Leukoplakia are white thickened patches that tend to fissure and become malignant .

34 . The Nure should Protect the patient skin sorrounding a colostomy by using

…Answer is C)

35 . An patient with ileostomy should avoid which of the following sports

…Answer is D)

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