ESIC STAFF NURSE question paper 2019 shift 2


                       ESIC The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation  this has announced IN DECEMBER 2020 VARIOUS  staff nurse / nursing officer post  around 2959 . Esic staff nurse paper solved  helps to understand types of question asked in examination .  Crack  esic staff nurse 2021 exam
               Generally question paper consists of 125 question in which 100 question are asked from nursing syllabus or practical field and remaining 25 question includes general knowledge , reasoning, general mathematics etc .
   Esic can conduct esic staff nurse exam in  2021 .Here you will able to practice Esic staff nurse / Nursing Officer prevoius year solved paper  shift 2  2019 . you will able to come to know the questions are the competive examinaton which helps you to how to plan your study of nursing officer compitition examination




ESIC STAFF NURSE /NURSING OFFICER  solved paper 2019 shift 2 PDF 

1. Microcephaly is diagnosed when head circumference is less than ?

Answer is D)

2. In the diagnostic statement Exces fluid volume related to decreaed venous return as manifested by lower extrimity edema , the etiology of problem is ?

Answer is D)

3. Which of the following is not assimilated by Eukaryotic cells ?

Answer is C)

4. The test that is most specific for myocardial damage is ?

Answer is D)

5. Which is not a high risk factor that might affect workers in construction company ?

Answer is D)

6. Among the following the task that does not required a registered nurse but can be delegated to the home health aid is?

Answer is D)

7. Which of the below is not a role played by a nurse ?

Answer is A)

8. A scale that cannot be used to assess a subject for a mood disorder is ?

Answer is B)

9. The type of Hypersensitivity reaction due to IgE mediated histamine release is ?

Answer is A)

10. A mental illness specific to certain population where there is anxietyand hypochondriacally concerns is ?

Answer is A)
Dhat is culture bound syndrome of southeast asia where pt present with anxiety and somatic symptoms which they attribute to semen loss .

11. Which of the following is not a component of HELLP syndrome ?

Answer is C)


12. The relative risk of a disease can be obtained from ?

Answer is D)

13. The group at the increased risk for Herpes zoster is ?

Answer is C)

14. Pseudo hyphae are seen in ?

Answer is C)

15. During the age of 1 -3 yrs the developmental stage according to Freud`s theory is ?

Answer is B)

16 . The causative agent for bacterial vaginosis is ?

Answer is D)

17 . The professional value of Nursing that describes the right to self determination is called ? ?

Answer is B)

18 . Fine downy hair normally found in premature babies is called ?

Answer is D)

19 . An example of positive feedback mechanism in our body is ?

Answer is C)

20 . Which of the below is Not a sign of respiratory distress ?

Answer is B)

21 . The term MRSA in bacteriology stands for ?

Answer is C)

22 . The test used for diagnosis of trichomoniasis is ?

Answer is A)

23 . The full form of GAS in the context of response to stress is ?

Answer is B)

24 . The Microorganism that is usually a part of normal vaginal flora but cam cause meningitis in new born is ?

Answer is C)

25 . Which of the below is not a part of nursing process of planning ?

Answer is D)

26 . Newborn Maturity Rating is done using ?

Answer is A)

27 . The anterior fontanelle closes by

Answer is D)

28 . If palpating the tragus or auricle causes pain the problem is ?

Answer is C)

29 . A non opoid analgesic of the below is

Answer is B)

30 . Among the following the bone that belongs to the axial skeletal is ?

Answer is A)

31 . Air brochogram in Xray is seen in the case of ?

Answer is B)

32 . The advantage of using a three part diagnostic statement such as the problem etiology sign/symptoms (PES ) format is

Answer is A)

33 . An immovable joint is called

Answer is A)

34 . The third phase of body`s adaptation to stress is ?

Answer is C)

35 . The meaning of remisson is ?

Answer is C)

36 . The dimension of health concerned with proper biological functioning is called ?

Answer is D)

37 . When there is a possibility of locked twins being born ?

Answer is C)
Fraternal twin are also dizygotic twin results from fertilization of two separate eggs during same pregnancy .

38 . Proton pump in stomach is an example for ?

Answer is C)

39 . Multiple Sclerosis is characterised by ?

Answer is A)

40 . In a patient taking high dose of acetaminophen over a pronged period , the parameter to be monitored regularly is ?

Answer is C)

41 . Depolarization in a nerve action potential is due to ?

Answer is A)

42 . Which of the following is true regarding to pregnancy induced hypertension ?

Answer is B)

43 . THe genera that needs pyridoxal for growth is ?

Answer is D)

44 . The condition in which belief are firmly maintained through they are not shared by others is called ?

Answer is D)

45 . Which of the below is a mortality indicator ?

Answer is D)

46 . THe correct order of the phase in the bacterial growth curve is ?

Answer is B)

47 . The organ that does not lie in pelvic cavity?

Answer is C)

48 . The Normal order of event taking place during second stage of labour is

Answer is D)

49 . Pepsinogen in the stomach is secreted by ?

Answer is D)

50 . Tropomyosin in the muscle fibre is a ____ protein

Answer is D)

51 . Unattractive man selects expensive , stylish clothsto draw attension to himself . The Defence mechanism exemplified here is ?

Answer is B)

52 . Bacillus ceres food poisioning is commonly associated with consumption of ?

Answer is B)

53 . Locational amenorrhea acts as a contraceptive method by

Answer is D)

54 . Which of the below is not is part of secondary prevention of mental health

Answer is B)

55 . Naegele`s rule is used to calculate

Answer is D)

56 . The term resourcefulness implies

Answer is A)

57 . The minimally invasive technique by which thin , insulated lead wire with electrodes is surgically implnted into brain is called

Answer is D)

58 . Which of the below does not help in controlling hazards in a school setting?

Answer is C)

59 . Respiratory rate multiplied by tidal volume gives

Answer is B)

60 . When suctioning a patient , you should

Answer is A)

61 . A cell that take part in innate immunity by killing virus infected cells is

Answer is C)
natural killer NK cells are types of lymphocytes (WBC) and componenet of innate immunity and host rejection of both tumour and virus infected cells .

62 . According to Maslow`s heirarchy , need to be well thiught by onself as well as others comes under

Answer is B)

63 . Introduction of solid food along with breast milk is called ?

Answer is D)

64 . Neuroleptic drugs are also known as

Answer is C)

65 . The cranial nerve affected in Bell`s palsy

Answer is A)

65 . The caustive agent for the disease scrapie belongs to the category of

Answer is A)

66 . A rapid grower among the following is

Answer is B)

67 . Which of the below is confirmed indication of pregnancy ?

Answer is A)

68 . The vertical transmission of diseases occurs throgh

Answer is A)

69 . The surgical intervention for pain mgt , which involves cuttting a nerve root to relieve pain is called

Answer is D)

70 . A plane that passes thrugh the midline of the body and divides it into equal right and left sides is called ?

Answer is B)

71 . Folic acid supplement in pregnancy are mainly used for prevention of

Answer is A)

72 . The first referral level in the healthcare system

Answer is C)

73 . The term veracity in the context of nursing values refers to

Answer is B)

74 . The total no of foetal and early neonatal daeth per 1000 live birth is called

Answer is D)

75 . The hormone that increases water reabsorption by insertinng water channel or aquaporins is

Answer is B)

76 . scrub typhus is caused by

Answer is C)

77 . The genetic exchage process in which donor DNA is introduced to recipient by a virus is

Answer is B)

78 . Positive Brudzinski`s and Kernig`s sign are indicative of

Answer is D)

79 . An affective disorder among the following is

Answer is A)

80 . When a person`s blood pressure drops , the kidneys respond by

Answer is A)

81 . A group of related ideas or statements is called

Answer is D)
paradigm is distinct set of concepts or thought pattern .

82 . The action of sympathetic sysytem in the walls of airways is called as

Answer is C)

83 . Voluntary rejection of unacceptable thoughts or feeling from concious awareness is called

Answer is A)

84 . The most common cause of ratinal detachment is

Answer is A)

85 . Which of the following is true statement about the H zone of sarcomere ?

Answer is D)

86 . poor skin turgor in neonates and infants indicates

Answer is A)

87 . In a normal average infant, the percentage increase in body lenth , than that at birth at the age of 1 year is

Answer is C)

88 . which of the following is not a function of fibrous skeleton of the heart

Answer is A)

89 . Which order is called when there is no doctor present but it gives nurse right to give medication

Answer is B)

90 . The Adam`s Apple is formed by

Answer is A)

91 . The full form of DALY in the context of community health is

Answer is A)

92 . The type of assessment done to compare the patient`s current status to previously baseline data is called

Answer is B)

93 . Inremittent claudication is a sign of

Answer is D)
Reynaulds is a example .

94 . Repeated invluntary or intentional passage of feces by a child in appropriate placesafter the age when bowel control is normally expected , is called

Answer is D)

95 . The mode of inheritance of cystic fibrosis is

Answer is C)

96 . Which of the following is an example of unintentional tort ?

Answer is C)

97 . Bleeding in the first trimester with no uterine contraction or pain and cervical dilation indicates

Answer is B)

98 . Schultze method and duncan method describes

Answer is A)

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