Respiratory system disorder of medical surgical nursing Includes thoracentesis , spirometry , chest physiotherapy , flail chest pnemothorax asthma , copd , SARS Pneumonia pleural effusion tuberculosis tb , Rib fracture and their management .
By reading all these notes you will be able to crack various nursing officer / staff nurse examination like AIIMS NORCET , ESIC , RAILWAY , DSSSB , PGIMER
By reading all these notes you will be able to crack various nursing officer / staff nurse examination like AIIMS NORCET , ESIC , RAILWAY , DSSSB , PGIMER
Respiratory system Disorder
Thoracentesis :-
- Removal of fluid or air from pleural space via transthoracic aspiration.
- Postion :– patient is positioned sitting upright with arms and Shoulder supported by a table at the bedside during the procedure
- If patient cannot sit up the patient is placed lying in bed toward unaffected side, with head of bed eleveted.
- Instruct pt not to cough and breath deeply or move during procedure.
- Postprocedure: apply pressure dressing and assess for bleeding and crepitus
- Monitor signs of pneumothorax
Pulmonary function tests (PFT):-
- PFT is used to evaluate Lang mechanics gas exchange and acid-base disturbance review spirometric measurement lung volumes and ABG
- Instruct the patient to stop smoking and eating a heavy meal for 4 to 6 hours before the test
- Remove the dentures before the test
Ventilation perfusion Test:-
- The perfusion scan evaluates blood flow to the lungs
- Postprocedure :-
- Keep the patient in semi Fowler position and asses for return of gag reflex.
- Notify doctor if fever difficulty in breathing occurs
Pulmonary angiography :-
- It is invasive fluoroscopy procedure in which a catheter is inserted through antecubital aur femoral vein into Pulmonary artery or its branches
- Also involves an injection of iodine and radiopaque contrast material.
- Instruct patient that he may feel in urge to Cough flushing nausea or salty taste following the injection of dye.
- Postprocedure:- avoid taking blood pressure for 24 hours in extremity used for the injection.
- Monitor peripheral neurovascular status of the affected extremity
Respiratory Treatment :-
1. Pursed lip breathing :-
- The patient should inhale slowly through the nose and abdomen should expand with inhalation and contract during exhalation.
- The patient should Exhale three times longer than inhalation by blowing through pursed lip.
2. Huff coughing :-
- It is effective coughing technique that conserve energy reduce fatigue and facilitate mobilization of secretion
- The patient should take 3 or 4 deep breathusing pursed lip and leaning slightly forward patient should cough 3 to 4 times during exhalation
***Tectile fremitus :- detection of resulting vibration on chest wall by touch
3. Spirometry:-
- In sitting position , teeth patient to place the mouth tightly around the mouth is of the device
- Instruct the patient to inhale slowly to raise and maintain the flow rate indicator between 600 and 900 marks.
- Instruct the patient to hold breath for 5 seconds and then to exhalethrough pursed lip.
- Repeat this process 10 times every hour
Supplental oxygen delivery system :–
Devices | O2 delivery |
Ø Nasal cannula or prong | 1-6 lit/min for o2 conc. 24% At 1lit/min and 44% at 6lit/min |
Simple face mask | 5-8L/min o2 flow for fio2 of 40 to 60% |
Venturi mask | 4 to 10L/min for Fio2 of 24-55%. **delivers exact desired o2 concentration |
Partial Rebreather mask | 6 to 15l/min flow for Fio2 70 to 90% **adjust flow rate to keep bag 2/3rd full during inspiration |
Non Breather mask | Fio2 of 60 to 100% |
Venti mask colour coding with% o2 flow :-
Blue : 24%
White : 31%
Yellow : 35%
Red : 40%
Orange : 50%
Green : 60%
Chest physiotherapy (CPT) :-
- Percussion, vibration and postural drainage techniques are performed over thorax to loosen secretion in affected area of lungs and move them into more central airways
- CPT should be performed in the morning on arising, 1hr before meal or 2 to 3 hr after meal
- Administer bronchodilator 15min before procedure
- If patient is recieving tube feeding, stop feeding and aspirate the residual before begining cpt
Chest injury :-
· Rib fracture :-
- Results from direct blunt chest trauma and causes intrathoracic injury such as Pneumothorax or pulmonary contusion
- Assessment :- pain at injury site that increases with inspiration.
- Client splints chest, fracture on xray
- Intervention:-ribs usually reunites spontaneously
- Place patient in Fowler position administer pain medication.
· Flail chest :-
· Occurs from Blunt chest trauma associated with accident which may result in hemothorax and rib fracture.
· Assessment :-
· **Paradoxical respiration :– inward movement of segment of thirax during inspiration with outward movement during expiration.
· Severe chest pain, cyanosis , hypotension tachycardia
· Diminished breath sound , shallow respiration
· Intervention :- provide fowler position
· Administer humidified oxygen
· Maintain bed rest
· Preapare for intubation with mechanical ventilation with positive end expiratory pressure for severe flail chest with respiratory failure and shock.
· Pulmonary Contusion:-
· Interstitial hemorrhage associated with intra alveolar hemorrhage resulting in decrease pulmonary compliance .
***Compliance is ability of lungs and thorax to expand
· The major complication is acute respiratory distress syndrome
· Assessment :- dyspnea ,hypoxemia
· hemoptysis , restlessness , decrease breath sound .
· crackles and wheezes
· Intervention same as flail chest.
· Pneumothorax :-
· Accumulation of atmospheric air in the pleural space which results in rise inintrathoracic pressure and reduced vital capacity
· Loss of negative intrapleural pressure result in collapse of lung
· Open Pneumothorax results from opening through the chest wall allowing atmospheric air pressure into pleural space
· Tension Pneumothorax occurs from blunt chest injury
· Assessment :-
· **absent breath sound on affected side
· Hypotension, dyspnea and sharp chest pain
· **subcutaneous emphysema as evedenced by crepitus on palpation.
· Sucking sound with open pneumothorax
· *** tracheal deviation to the unaffected side with tension Pneumothorax
· Intervention:-
· Apply non porous racing over a open chest wound
· Place patient in fowler position and administer oxygen
· Prepare for chest tube placement
Asthma :-
· Chronic inflammatory disorder of the air that causes varying degree of obstruction in the Airway
· Assessment :-
· Restlessness
· **wheezing or crackles
· **absent or diminished breath sound
· Hyperresonance on percussion
· Pulsusparadoxous: abnormal large decrease on syatolicbp and pulse wave amplitude during inspiration
· Intervention:- monitor vitals, pulse oximetry
· Avoid allergen .
Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) :-
- · Chracterized by airflow obstruction caused by emphysema or chronic bronchitis
- · Assessment :- cough, wheezing and crackles
- · Weight loss
- · Barrel chest, use of accessory muscle for breathing
- · ABG level indicates respiratory acidosis
- · Intervention:- ***administer low concentration of oxygen 1 to 2 lit/min as prescribed
- · Provide respiratory treatment and CPT
- · Provide high calorie high protein diet with supplement
- · Increase fluid intake up to 3,000 ml per day to keep secretion thin
- · Position :fowler position and leaning forward to aid in breathing
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) :-
- · Respiratory illness caused by coronavirus covid SARS associated coronavirus
- · Syndrome begins with fever and overall feeling of discomfort body ache and mild respiratory symptom
- · Infection is spread by close person to person contact by direct contact with infectious material
Pneumonia :-
- · Infection of Pulmonary tissue including interstitial space, the alveoli and the bronchioles
- · WBC count and erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR) are elevated
- · ASSESSMENT :- chills ,elevated temperature and tachypnea
- · Pleuritic pain, sputum production
- · Intervention :- administer oxygen encourage coughing and deep breathing exercise
- · Place patient in semi father position
- · Provide CPT
- · Increase fluid intake up to 3 litre per day to lossen the secretion
Pleural Effusion :-
- · It is the collection of fluid in the pleural space
- · Assessment :– pleuritic pain that is sharp and increase with inspiration
- · Tachycardia and elevated temperature
- · Decreased breath sound over affected area
- · Xray shows mediastinal shift away from fluid if effusion is more than 250 ml
- · Intervention:- place the patient in Fowler position increase coughing and deep breathing exercise
- · Prepare the patient for thoracentesis
- · Pleurecdectomy surgical stripping parietal pleura away from visceral pleura
- · Pleurodesis involves instillation of sclerosing agent into pleural space via thoractomy tube
- · Collection of pus within pleural cavity
- · The fluid is thick opaque and foul smelling
- · Most common cause is pulmonary infection and lung abscess
- · Assessment :-
- · Recent febrile illness, chest pain, cough, malaise
- · **Night swaet
- · Intervention :– fowler position or semi fowler
- · Encourage coughing and deep breathing exercises
- · Assist for thoracentesis or chest tube insertion to promote drainage and lung expansion
Pleurisy :–
- · Inflammation of visceral and parietal membrane
- · Can be due to pulmonary infarction or pneumonia
- · **Pleurasy usually occurs on one side of the chest usually in lower lateral portion of chest wall
- · Assessment :- knife like pain aggravated on Deep breathing and coughing
- · Dysonea, pleural friction heard on auscultation
- · Intervention :-
- · Analgesics administration, encourage coughing and deep breathing exercises
- · Instruct patient to lie on affected side
Pulmonary Embolism :-
- · Pulmonary embolism occurs when thrombus forms most commonly from deep vein and travel to the right side of the heart and loadges into Pulmonary artery
- · Risk factor DVT, prolonged immobilization, pregnancy and heart failure
- · Assessment :- apprehension and restlessneaa
- · Blood tinged sputum
- · Cough, chest pain
- · Crackles and wheezes on auscultation
- · Feeling of impending doom
- · Hypotension
- · Intervention :-
- · Reassure patient and elevate head of bed
- · Administer oxygen and prepare for ABG
Tuberculosis :-
- · Communicable disease caused by Mycobacterium tubercul6
- · Assessment :-
- · Fatigue, lethargy, anorexia
- · Weight loss, low grade fever
- · Chills and night sweat
- · Persistant cough and production of mucoid sputum
- · Chest xray shows presence of multinodular infiltrates with calcifaicationin upper lobe suggests tb
- · Sputum culture confirm tb(sputum for AFB acid fast bacilli)
· Classification of tuberculin skin test :-
Induration 5mm or >5mm considerd positive in | Induration 10 or > 10mm considerd positive in | Induration 15 or >15mm considered positive in |
Hiv infected person, recent contact of person with tb | Childern< 4yr age Recent migration from high prevelance country | Any person including person with no known risk factor for tb |
Patient with organ transplant or immunosuppressed | Person with clinical setting lab etc |
Tuberculin skin test:-
- · **Apply injection at upper third of inner surface of usually left arm
- · Injection is given intradermally
- · Circle and mark the injection site
- · Document date, time and site
- · Interpret reaction after 24 hr to 72 hrs later
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