Here you will able to practice RRB PARAMEDICAL PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE ( PHN ) SOLVED  PAPER 2015  . you will able to come to know the questions are the compitive examinaton which helps you to how to plan your study of nursing officer compitition examination
             You can also practice various previous staff nurse question paper of AIIMS . PGIMER , DSSSB ,Railway , Esic , Gmch  . 



1. Mode of transmission of pertussis is?

Answer is C)

2. NAme of the oral polio vaccine ?

Answer is D)

3. Time required to measure the Mantaux test ?

Answer is B)

4. The following are the standard tuberculosis drugs except ?

Answer is A)

5. Combination of tripple antigen ?

Answer is A)

6. The time interval b/w infection of suspected person and appearance of sign and symptoms of disease is called ?

Answer is C)

7. Mode of transmission of typhoid fever ?

Answer is B)

8. Route of transmission of Hepatitis B ?

Answer is D)

9. Incubation period of measles ?

Answer is B)

10. Causative agent of Diptheria ?

Answer is D)

11. Medium of transmission of bovine type of tubercle bacilli ?

Answer is A)

12. Site for mantaux test ?

Answer is B)

13. Painful micturition is called ?

Answer is B)

14. Drug used to relieve pain is called ?

Answer is A)

15. Amount of solution used in evacuant enema in adult is?

Answer is C)

16 . hormone secreted by testes ?

Answer is B)

17 . one tea spoon contains ? ?

Answer is C)

18 . one ml contains … drops ?

Answer is B)

19 . Average weight of newborn is ?

Answer is B)

20 . How much salt should be added to one litre to make a olution of normal solution ?

Answer is A)

21 . No. of vertevra on sacrum ?

Answer is A)

22 . No. of chromosome in cell?

Answer is B)

23 . A trial septal defect occurs due to perisistence of ?

Answer is C)

24 . Which of the following vitamin is water soluble ?

Answer is C)

25 . Cholera is caused by

Answer is B)

26 . Drinking of alcohol severly affects ?

Answer is A)

27 . quickening means

Answer is C)

28 . The disease in which patient`s blood does not clot easily ?

Answer is A)

29 . Discloration of teeth is caused by which of following antibiotics

Answer is B)

30 . which of the following disease is caused by fungus ?

Answer is B)

31 . The blood group which contains no antibodies ?

Answer is A)

32 . The filariasis is transmitted by

Answer is C)

33 . The disease which spread through sexual contacts

Answer is A)

34 . Which of the following immunity is developed by body after firt attack of disease ?

Answer is B)

35 . Thyphoid is transmitted by ?

Answer is A)

36 . …. is a example for disease caused by bacteria?

Answer is C)

37 . THe cells that are responsible for production of antibodies?

Answer is B)

38 . A healthy person can donate blood time in a year ?

Answer is D)

39 . RAdio active cobalt and radium are used for treatment of disease ?

Answer is D)

40 . World Health Day is observed on ?

Answer is A)

41 . Protein required during pregnancy per day ?

Answer is B)

42 . The fundus is at level of umbilicus during which week of pregnancy ?

Answer is D)

43 . THe total weight gain during pregnancy is?

Answer is B)

44 . The birth weight og baby doubles at

Answer is B)

45 . Infancy period is from

Answer is B)

46 . Largest gland in the body is ?

Answer is A)

47 . Head control of infant occur at age of

Answer is A)

48 . THe following are the signs of dehydration except

Answer is C)

49 . The following are the content of ORS except ?

Answer is D)

50 . THE most common form of malnutrition are the following Except

Answer is A)

51 .Eruption of teeth begins at age

Answer is B)

52 . The first course of oral pills should be started on which day of menturation?

Answer is C)

53 . The following are the natural method of contraception Except

Answer is D)

54 . which of the following is permanent method of sterilization

Answer is C)

55 . The following organs are situated in abdominal cavity except

Answer is A)

56 . THe system of body which helps for removal of waste matter from body is called

Answer is B)

57 . The Nerve which carries message from brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands

Answer is A)

58 . Speech centre is situated in

Answer is A)

59 . When the umbilical cord lies in front of the presenting part and the membrane are intact it is known as

Answer is B)

60 . Starting of menstural cycle is called

Answer is C)

61 . 1 gm of carbohydrate gives

Answer is B)

62 . A method of making the victim to breath

Answer is B)

63 . Minute, thin walled blood vessels b/w the end of arteries and begining of the veins are called ?

Answer is C)

64 . A condition characterized by moving of bone outside joint is called

Answer is D)

65 . A tube of muscular tissue carrying ingested food from the mouth to stomach

Answer is A)

65 . Information given by the sufferer about his illness

Answer is B)

66 . Characteristics of blood flow due to arterial bleeding is the following except

Answer is B)

67 . A agent that has power to kill Microorganism

Answer is B)

68 . Following are the prediposing causes of bedsore except

Answer is D)

69 . Tobacco contains a poisonous substance called

Answer is C)

70 . A disease which is caused ( triggered) by allergic substances

Answer is A)

71 . hort sightedness can be corrected by uing spectles with

Answer is A)

72 . Signs of true labour are except

Answer is C)

73 . Deficeincy of which in food causes Goiter

Answer is C)

74 . Cortisone is used as effective anti inflammatory drug in the treatment of

Answer is C)

75 . Defieciency of thyroxin in adults lead to

Answer is C)

76 . The outer layer of eye ball is called

Answer is A)

77 . Hormones are transported to all parts of body through

Answer is B)

78 . Central nerve system includes

Answer is A)

79 . Signs of separation of placenta are the following except

Answer is A)

80 . Inability to sleep is called

Answer is B)


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