Fundamental of nursing questions

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Fundamental of nursing questions

Q.1  Term  Hospice means

  a. Terminal ill cancer patient(dying patient )

  b. cardiac patients

  c. psychiatric patient

  d. renal failure patient                ans : –  a

Q.2 The process of assessing patient in emergency on priroties is called

a. Triage           b . levage

c. inuction        d. insertion                 Ans :  a

Q.3 The tube feeding should be delayed if the amount of gastric contents exceeds
a. 30ml          b. 50ml
c.100 ml         d. 40ml                   Ans : b
Q.4 Intra osseous injection is given in
a. bone marrow    b. artry
c. muscle                d. spinal cord             ans : a
Q.5 Effective sterilization temperature in an autoclave is
a. 111 ̊c                 b. 98 ̊c
c. 121 ̊c                 d. 151 ̊c                         ans   :  c ( for time period 30min)
Q.6   purgative enema is given
a.  to remove gaseous distension     b. for nutrition
c. to give anesthesia  d. to clean intestine      ans   : a
Q. 7  To give enema height of cane from anus should be :
a.  10 inch                  b.  18 inch
c. 12 inch                   d. 14 inch                       ans :  b
Q.8  Endoscopic catheter are sterilized by 
a. 2 % gulteraldehyde        b. boiling
c. autoclave                  d. autoclave               ans :- a
Q. 9   Risk factor for osteoporosis
a. use of analgesics             b . prolonged use of glucocorticoids
c. cardiac medication          d. use of NSAIDS                ans :  b
Q. 10    smith test is used for
a. bile salts              b. bile pigment
c. albumin                d. acetone                          ans  :   b
Q.11 The pathway pathogen enters the body
a. carrier                b. infection
c. portal of entry    d. portal of exit                  ans  :  c
Q. 12  Brown crust on teeth and lips is called
a. serdes                   b. calculus
c. enamel                  d . stain                            ans : a
Q . 13  Most common complication of myocardial infarction
        a.    Heart failure   b. generalized edema
   C .  kidney failure  d. dysrrhythmia         ans  :  d
Q.14  Rothera test is done for
a. acetone                b. albumin
c. bile pigment        d. sugar                           ans  : a
Q . 15 The fall of temp. in zigzag manner is called
          a.    Lysis                 b. crisis
C . stadium           d. decline                      ans : a
Q. 16 The sudden fall of temp  of body is called
a. stadium            b. decline
c. lysis                    d. crisis                           ans  : d
Q.17 which part of the nursing process includes statements of patient actual and potential problems
A. nursing diagnosis      b. planning
C. implementation        d. assessment            ans :  A
Q. 18 position used for taking rectal temperature
A. supine                          b. left lateral
C . prone                           d. right lateral       ans : – b
Q. 19. The disese in which WBC is found less than normal
A.  pregnancy               b. Leukemia
C.  typhoid                 d. pyrexia                 Ans : C
Q.20. use of which medication cause neural tube defect during pragnanacy
A. vaporate                    b. pcm
C. hcq                     d. choroquinine           Ans :- A
Q 21. Most common site for pleural aspiration
A. At 2nd intercostal           b. At 4thintercostal
C. At 5th intercostals          d. At 7th intercostal       Ans : d
Q.22 . Most common site used for abdominal paracentesis
A.  midway bw symphysis pubis and umbilicus    b . a+ umbilicus
C . below symphysis               d. just below umbilicus         Ans :- A
Q.23 Procedure which is performed to  remove excess pleural fluid
A.Lumber puncture    b. Thoracentesis
C brochoscope  d.paracentesis                       Ans :- b
Q.24. The right sided cardiac catheterization is done through
A.   femoral vein                       b. femoral artery
C . brachial vein                         d. cephalic vein                    Ans : a
Q.25 . The left sided cardiac catheterization is done through
A.   femoral vein                       b. femoral artery
C . brachial vein   d. cephalic vein                  Ans : b
Q.26.  The diagnostic procedure done for identification of atrial septal defect is
A.   cardiac catheterization       b. Angiography
C . paracentesis  d.  CABG                            Ans : b
Q.27.  During which reduction procedure internal fixation devices such as metallic screws ,and plates or rods are used :
A.   open reduction          b. closed reduction
C . traction                        d.  manipulation                        Ans : A
Q.28  Visualization of maxillary sinus is known as
A.   laryngoscopy          b. bronchoscopy
C . antroscopy           d.  opthalmoscopy                       Ans : C

Q. 29. Visualization of pelvic organ through the vaginal wall is
A.   laproscopy                b. laryngoscopy
C . gastroscopy                 d.  culdoscopy                        Ans : D
Q. 30. Drug of choice in treatment of enuresis
A.   imipramine               b. prometherzine
C . chlomiphenicol          d.  cyclizine                          Ans : A
Q. 31.  Antiemetic contraindicated in pregnancy is
A.   ondensetron               b. metachloropromide
C . prochlorperazine        d.  promethazine                       Ans : C
Q. 32. Procedure for diagnosis of ulcerative colitis is
A.   colonoscopy               b. fundoscopy
C . bronchoscopy             d.  laryngoscopy                    Ans : A
Q. 33 . Procedure for diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is called
A.   colonoscopy               b. fundoscopy
C . bronchoscopy             d.  laproscopy                     Ans : D
Q. 34. The plaster cast used to shoulder, hip and thumb joint is called
A.   body cast                    b. spica cast
C . plaser cast                 d.  splints                                  Ans : B
Q. 35. Prolonged suctioning of tracheostomy may result in
A.   hypoxia andcardiac arrest    b. anoxia
C . nausea                                   d.  restlessness                      Ans : A
Q. 36. For colostomy irrigation temperature should be
A.   30-32 degree C                    b. 20-25 degree c
C . 33 -35 drgree C                    d.  40-42 degree c                    Ans : C

Fundamental of nursing questions ans answer mcq

Q. 37. Complication of high oxygen administration for long time in neonate is     
A.   bleeding into organ                    b. retrolental fibroplasia
C . hypoxia                         d.  respirary failure                         Ans : B
Q. 38. Early sign of Parkinson’s disease
A.   tremor                     b. rigidity
C . convulsion                 d.  tachycardia                                 Ans : A
Q. 39.  Vomiting , prolonged gastric suctioning and cushing syndrome results in
A.   metabolic acidosis            b. metabolic alkalosis
C . Respiratory acidosis            d.     Respiratory alkalosis         Ans : B
Q. 40. Diabetic ketoacidosis, shock and diarrhea and starvation results in
A.   metabolic acidosis            b. metabolic alkalosis
C . Respiratory acidosis            d.     Respiratory alkalosis     Ans : A  
Q. 41. The most abundant cation in extracellular fluid is
  A.   calcium                 b. magnesium
  C . Potassium              d.  sodium                                         Ans : D
Q. 42. The main intracellular cation is
    A.   calcium                 b. magnesium
  C . Potassium              d.  sodium                                      Ans : C
Q. 43 . The cation responsible for maintaining level of ATP is
    A.   calcium                 b. phosphate
  C . Potassium              d.  sodium                                      Ans : B
Q. 44. Most common complication which occurs after surgery is
    A.   respiratory distress          b. Atelactasis
  C .  emphysema                        d.  cardiac arrest               Ans : B
Q. 45. Most common  gastrointestinal complication which occurs after surgery is
    A.   abdominal distension          b. vomiting
  C .  diarrhea                                 d.  bleeding                  Ans : C
Q. 46.   Classical sign of hepatic coma is
 A.   flapping tremors           b. vomiting
  C .  irritibility                         d.  bleeding                        Ans : A
Q. 47.  During giving enema the tube is inserted in adult at distance of
A.   1 -2 inch               b. 3- 4 inch
  C .  5 -6 inch              d.  1 – 1.5 inch                      Ans : B
Q. 48.  During giving enema the tube is inserted in child at distance of
A.   1 -2 inch               b. 3- 4 inch
  C .  5 -6 inch              d.  1 – 1.5 inch                      Ans : D
Q. 49.  Which of the following anesthetic agent will produce dissociative amnesia
A.   ketamine                b. chloroform
  C .  succylnecholine       d.  eher                       Ans : A
Q. 50 .  which part of the colon is preferred for permanent colostomy
A.   Descending colon               b. Ascending colon     
  C .  Tranverse colon                d.  sigmoid colon                    Ans : A

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